

The KCL African and Caribbean Society (ACS) encourages all students to learn about, experience and celebrate the joys of African and Caribbean culture in a warm and friendly environment. In addition, the society provides an educational space to explore the history and present issues surrounding these cultures.  

The ACS is currently made up of over 400 members and is expected to grow each year. Members of the society study a wide range of courses; from Finance, Social Sciences to degree based in the STEM fields at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. We provide both a place to socialise and be intellectually stimulated; whilst giving back to the local community. and is expected to grow 

We aim to provide a playroom for showcasing an celebrating African and Caribbean cultures within our diverse community; as well as holistically provide for our members by holding events that cater to their cultural; social,  educational and professional requirements. As a society, we are renowned for our steadfast dedication to achieving our aims and have collected many awards including the ACS of the Year Award. 

Our events range from thought provoking talks and seminars that through through Black History Month; and Career workshops for our Black and Ethnic Minority members, to relaxed social events like Soul Night. As a study led society,  we have come to understand the privilege we have to attend Kings and feel motivated and empowered to improve our society. 

Find us on Facebook – kclacs1

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Follow us on Instagram – kcl_acs 
Follow us on Snapchat: KCLACS
Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: KCLACS